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Downsize your home & Upsize your super

It’s the great Australian dream to own your own home. Whilst in our younger years, when it comes to buying (or upsizing) our homes, it can be seductive to “keep up with the Joneses”. Later in life, it can be just as alluring to downsize them. Lowered costs of electricity, insurances. Less maintenance. More time to go out and travel and live out your retirement dreams.

Money House

Super Insured?

Insurance inside super, can you count on it? We hear the statement “I have that insurance inside my super” often. But do you really know what you are covered for?


Let’s talk numbers

I get it, numbers – not everyone’s cup of tea, especially when there are too many of them being thrown about. But sometimes numbers help – numbers are facts, they are not open to misinterpretation – the context in which they are used of course can be (misinterpreted) but not the numbers themselves. As Pythagoras, the great mathematician said – “Number is the within of all things!”


Group Life Insurance – Why it’s Really Cheaper

When it comes to life insurance, it’s not as straight forward as you might think. As with many things in life, you tend to get what you pay for. For some, Group Life insurance offers the benefit of providing some level of cover at a relatively cheap cost. But what are you forgoing for the cost saving?

Professional Financial Advisor Holding White Papers at Alman Partners True Wealth Mackay & Brisbane

Making the Complex Simple

The one concept that will help you to feel better about your wealth.
“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”
Albert Einstein