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Origami Boats

7 Keys To Help You Navigate Volatile Markets

Everyone has an opinion about what caused this latest bout of volatility in markets, coming after a long period of relative calm. But the key point for long-term investors is that markets are volatile by nature. Stocks go up and down as information and expectations change. Sometimes, this happens very gradually. Other times it happens more suddenly.

Tea Leaves

Reading the Tea Leaves

Investors at year-end are inclined to reflect on the 12 months gone and muse on what the coming year might bring. Aware of this appetite for speculation, the media tends to feed it with forecasts. These articles can be fun to read, but are even more so a year later.

Coal painted gold with a brush – Financial advice on identifying genuine investment opportunities

Chasing Alpha: Fools Gold!

As an investor you are constantly inundated with information: Where is the market heading, top 5 buys, top 5 sells etc. This clamour will increase in pitch as we approach the end of the year with predictions for which way the market is headed next year, it will roll in to it elections, status of large projects, weather predictions etc. and yet somehow there will still be several unanticipated events – some government falling, attack or sanction by the UN / USA and everything will be abuzz and different to the predictions anyway. This will all be exciting and exhilarating stuff, calling out to all investors to keep watching the latest updates. We have been saying for many years, it makes sense for the media to turn finance and investing into entertainment, to get more eyeballs and therefore advertising big bucks for them. Clearly, it is a self-serving purpose and they are not really doing you any favour.


FAANG Investing

The financial media is drawn to catchphrases –acronyms and buzzwords that can be sold as the new thing. ‘FAANG’ (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google) is the latest of these. But does this constitute an investment strategy?

AP Bear - Alman Partners True Wealth Mackay & Brisbane

AP Bear Photo of the Year Awards

The travelling adventures of A.P. Bear! A number of years ago, we introduced this cute little fellow to our Alman Partners Family. We encourage our clients when they are travelling to collect an ‘A.P. Bear’ from our office and take him on your trips, take photos, and share them with us.


Fraud & Scams

Technology, it makes our lives simpler with ever-advancing, smarter access to our bank accounts and social media. Our lives are online, and the fraudsters know it. They are keeping up with technology and it’s up to organisations and ourselves to keep one step ahead of them to avoid falling victim.