Among wealth advisers there is a saying, the first generation makes it, the second spends it and the third blows it.
Putting the human into investing
What’s the ideal investment strategy? Is now a good time to be in shares? How do you get a decent return on cash investments? Should currency risk be hedged?
Questions of this kind, often seen in the financial media, tend to confuse means with ends. The answer in every case is “it depends”.
What happens if you miss the best 25 days of returns on the Australian Share Market?
Buy Blue Chips
Every night on the TV finance news, you’ll hear about the ups and downs of household name stocks, like the big four banks, Telstra, CSL, Wesfarmers, Woolworths, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto. But the market is more than that handful of names.
How do you break a bad investment habit?
Often these behaviours are the result of conditioned responses. We can have both good and bad investment habits. The key takeaway is understanding how they are created.
In his excellent book, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg explains why we continue to do self-destructive things. According to Duhigg, there are three components to forming a habit: cue, routine and reward.