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Investment Advice Mackay - Australian banknotes and coins scattered on a table – Financial advice for managing Australian currency, budgeting, and growing personal wealth.

Warren Buffet makes $1million bet. On what you may ask?

Warren Buffett is the second richest man in the world because of his extraordinary performance as an investor. In contrast to his skill and good fortune, he has been quoted many times that he believes most institutions and mum and dad investors are better off investing in low-cost index funds. In fact, he has instructed via his Will that his estate be invested into index funds for his beneficiaries, having said that, the bulk of his estate has been left to a charitable foundation, so the kids may only get $1 billion each. How will they ever survive? Anyway back to the bet.


The secret to financial fitness revealed

It’s often said that the secret of success in any endeavour is “stickability,” your capacity for staying committed to a goal. But success also depends on having goals you can stick with. Managing that tension is what an advisor does.


Group Life Insurance – Why it’s Really Cheaper

When it comes to life insurance, it’s not as straight forward as you might think. As with many things in life, you tend to get what you pay for. For some, Group Life insurance offers the benefit of providing some level of cover at a relatively cheap cost. But what are you forgoing for the cost saving?